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Ultimate Guide to the Home Loan Application Process

26 April 2022

It’s time to begin house hunting, but where do you start? What kind of house can you afford? Buying a house is an exciting time, so don’t let the process overwhelm you. By using a mortgage broker’s services, you can be on your way to home ownership even quicker than

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Straightforward ways to reduce your loan repayments

19 April 2022

With many people feeling the financial strain during these troubling times it is becoming more important to find ways to reduce your expenses and save more. If you own a home, there are a number of things you can do to reduce the costs of your home loan both in

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How a Broker Can Help You Secure Extra Cash

14 April 2022

If you are in need of an extra bit of cash and don’t have the savings lying around to produce it a broker can assist you with small, fast loans such as personal loans, vehicle loans and renovation loans. These loans will give you that extra bit of cash you

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What Are Bridging Loans?

5 April 2022

Bridging loans are loans used to buy a new home when you haven’t yet sold your existing home. Sometimes it is helpful to purchase a new home before you’ve sold your old one. In which case, you need a bridging loan to allow you to do so when you can’t

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